The third installment of the Jetstreak Ink Mandalorian Trilogy.
Directed and Written By: Kiefer Jenkins & Timothy R. Lahr
Legacy of the Mandalorian takes place five years after SotM and 0BBY, which means the Galactic Civil War is about to kick off. Kief is now training Saar Niet in the ways of the force. Novan Rhae is in command of the Rebel/Mandalorian oupost on Null, and General Tieg commands a Venator Cruiser transporting various Rebel Cells to the Base on Yavin 4 as the Rebel Alliance now mobilizes to unify and free the galaxy.
Written and Directed by Kiefer Jenkins & Timothy R. Lahr
Executive Production by Star Wars Editor
Produced by Jetstreak Ink
Animated Sequence Illustrations by Christine McAleer
Score By Christy Carew
Original Star Wars Themes by John Williams
Set Design & Studio provided by jlfxstudios